We are a community of friendly, open-minded,
collaborative and professionally growing people.

Meet our teamRight


India, Canada...

ThoughtWin is a renowned name in web/mobile design,
development in the software industry, but – WHY? This is because we design
and develop websites that represent your company and spread across the globe.
The client's continued support, trust and recommendations
are sufficient to describe the quality of our work.

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We define the goals, analyze the requirements and set the project schedule.

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Depending on your objectives and goals, a sensible approach is taken whereby
solutions are developed to meet the needs of your organization.

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The company believes in offering high end web solutions at affordable prices.

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The achievement of perfection is our goal, but Excellence is guaranteed.

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We not only sell Web sites, we create Web sites that SELL.

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We love what we do and we do what our customers love and work with excellent customers from around the world to achieve their goals.

We have successfully delivered a variety of websites such as e-commerce sites (B2B+B2C), enterprise directories, CMS websites, data-driven websites, blog websites, community websites, mobile applications, etc. We currently have a full-time in-house resource team with senior programmers, mid-level programmers, graphic designers, front-line developers, a project manager and a business analyst. We are a team of amazingly talented undergraduate engineers. What this means is that we will have continued access to a wealth of resources and information. We support businesses worldwide.

web technologies
technology stack



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Award and Certifications

We have worked with some globally recognised organisations and produced perfectly

sized web and mobile apps for them.